Mickey Lewis

Mickey Lewis is a UK based Artist.

IMDB: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm6118829/

Mickey Lewis has some fantastic appearances under his sheath including :

Star Wars:

  • The Force Awakens – First Order General
  • Rogue One – Fleet Trooper
  • The Last Jedi – Resistance Comms Officer


Doctor Who:

  • Dalek
  • Special Weapons Bronze Dalek
  • Cyberman – 2 types
  • The Third Doctor
  • Unit Soldier
  • Space Corpse
  • Beast Man
  • Blue Alien
  • WW1 Allied Soldier
  • Dalek Animated Skeleton
  • Harbourmaster
  • Victorian Policeman


Wonder Woman:

  • WW1 soldier


Huntsman, Winter War:

  • Freya’s Palace Guard


Fantastic Beasts:

  • Obliviated New Yorker


Legend of King Arthur:

  • Pendragon Knight
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