James Hammer-Morton is a UK based Artist.
IMDb: https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1473114/
James Hamer-Morton is best known for his lead role as Peltzer Arbuckle in ‘My Bloody Banjo’, the cult horror comedy about a phallic accident. His other credits include Allan, the lead in ‘Dead Love’, Dr Lewis in ‘The Fitzroy’ and he even played the voice of Stitch from ‘Lilo and Stitch’ for the Walt Disney Company for three years. He is also a founding member of ‘Chuckle Duster’, an improvised comedy troupe that performs in Shoreditch and has fans, thanks to its online presence, worldwide. His comedy side spawned the feature comedy documentary ‘Bid For My Life’, a social experiment where James auctioned off days of his life online to be controlled by buyers.